Wood Retaining Walls

customized retaining walls under construction

Wood Retaining Walls

If you’re thinking about adding a retaining wall to your property, you’re probably wondering which material is the right option for you. Spend much time out in public and the chances are that you’ll have seen stone and concrete retaining walls at one time or another, but have you ever considered using wood retaining walls in your property? Although this is arguably a less common choice in the United States, there is plenty of reason to bring it into the fold. The wood retaining walls that we build at Precision Retaining Walls of Cincinnati are wonderfully designed and impressively durable, so you don’t need to worry about anything, should you choose us as your designated retaining wall contractor. Our experienced team is standing at the ready to give you the benefit of their first-class expertise. Learn more about what we can offer you, and the reasons that wood retaining walls are becoming increasingly popular. To schedule an appointment, reach out to our customer service representatives today.


Sturdy Lumber

When we discuss the possibility of installing wood retaining walls with some of our customers, they sometimes raise concerns about wood’s durability compared with concrete and stone. While these two materials are the strongest and most resilient around, that doesn’t mean that wood is going to wilt in the face of elemental pressure. If you use the right type of high-quality wood for your retaining wall – and that’s all we use at Precision Retaining Walls of Cincinnati – then you can expect years and years of service from the installation.


Waterproofing Protection

For any outdoor construction, you need to pay special attention to the presence of moisture. If it isn’t planned around adequately, water has the potential to undermine the structural integrity of even the most well-designed installations. For this reason, we take waterproofing very seriously with all our retaining wall productions. We will make sure that you are totally covered – with the use of waterproof sheeting and various other design measures – moving forward. That means no unhappy surprises later down the line.


Natural Atmosphere

For many people, their outdoor spaces are areas that should feel natural. They don’t want huge areas of hardscaping. They want to introduce plant life, encourage ecological growth, and enjoy their time in a more natural setting. If you have a stone or concrete wall, this might be more difficult to do. A wood retaining wall lends itself to a natural atmosphere in a way that other materials simply can’t.


Great Value

At Precision Retaining Walls of Cincinnati, we do everything we can to make sure that all of our services are affordable and stuffed full of value. When you see the pricing structures of other retaining wall companies in the area, it becomes clear that we do an excellent job at this. Of course, the cost of services are at least partly affected by the cost of materials, and this is an area where wood shines. If you’re seeking value for money, you’ll be hard pressed to find another material that performs as well as lumber.

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